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Sunrise Tequila

Tequila Sunrise cocktail! Containing tequila, orange juice and grenadine, which is responsible for red hue of a cocktail and very reminiscent of summer! This is one of the most delicious tequila cocktails; it's perfect for summertime and quite potent!

Tequila Sunrise

Why does it have the name Tequila Sunrise, when the cocktail looks like Sunsets in most cases when probably it is the right time to consume these ?? Hahaha 🍹

Regardless of the name, this has got to be one of the most ordered Tequila Cocktails in existence next to margaritas. Well, orange and tequila is ever popular and it's quite a wonderful cocktail that anybody could take, even if the person dislikes taking tequila because in fact, the tequila component is not even tasted.

What goes in a Tequila Sunrise

Here's what you need for this deceptively potential cocktail:

  • Tequila – have a spirits featuring a mid-decade choice, which in Aussies is approximately forty-four to fifty U.S dollars. Save the best for the ones that can be consumed neat! I use Jose Cuervo which in the range of the mid- top Mexican tequila.
  • Orange juice – the fresher the better because it is always better than canned juice. Do not drink sweet reconstituted fruit juice with many sugars added to it.
  • Grenadine syrup – a non alcoholic red sugar syrup made from concentrated pomegranate juice. This is what makes Tequila Sunrise red – you'll find out how shortly!

What makes Tequila Sunrise red?

The symbolic red sunrise is obtained just by adding Grenadine in it. Due to its dense consistency or being a thick syrup it immediately settles at the bottom once added into the tequila–orange juice.

To get the 'cleanest' sunrise effect i.e. red at the base retaining the orange colour on the top, pour the syrup down the side of the glass with the back of the teaspoon kept vertical.

If not, pour it down the inside of the glass from the bottle in its drippings.

Don't simply pour it centrally in the glass – if you do this, the syrup stains the orange juice even more.


And here's what is traditionally used to garnish Tequila Sunrises:

  • Orange slices
  • Maraschino Cherries – bought in Dan Murphys store in Australia! If you can't get hold of these, find the plain glace cherries available in your baking section of supermarkets: they will not have the stems but they are glossy!


The juice made of the ratio 1:2 of tequila and orange juice. As one type of what is known as "long drinks" a cocktail with larger volume than for instance a whisky with ice which is a 'short drink' Tequila Sunrises do not come bundled with a lot of alcohol power.

Yet one can effortlessly consume prodigious amounts of these beverages because they are flavorful and the Feel Good Factor is powerful enough to effectively mask the sensation of alcohol on your palate.

When to serve Tequila Sunrise

Prepare Tequila Sunrises in summer when planning pool parties, for any more tropical based events and parties or indeed any occasion where you want to put the fun factor up a notch with a beautiful brightly coloured drink!

It is a proper drink to take that does not contain a strong alcohol component, therefore it is ideal to take during barbecue parties especially on hot summer holidays (when your body is already dehydrated compounded with high alcohol content is something we all wish to avoid!).

What to serve for nibbles

As for nibbles to serve on the side, here are a few suggestions:


  • 45 ml / 1.5oz tequila
  • 90ml / 3 oz orange juice
  • 15 ml /0.5 oz Grenadine syrup


  • Orange slices
  • Maraschino cherry


  1. Take two glasses, one large glass and two dashes of tequila and orange juice. For the glass side simply multiply up the recipe as needed for your glass side (1 to 3 ratio of tequila to OJ).
  2. Mix, then fill with ice.
  3. Pour grenadine, in heavy streams, along the side of the glass with the back of a spoon tilted downwards facing the bottom of the glass (refer to the video). Do not mix!
  4. Cherry on top and a little twist of orange. Serve immediately!

Recipe Notes:

  • Tequila - avoid a cheap brand of tequila and using it you should be able to get one which costs about $40 to $50 in Australia. Save the best for consumption neat! There are usually four categories of tequila but I opted to go for Jose Cuervo which is a top-mid range Mexican tequila.
  • Orange juice – the less concentrate the better! This is the sweet reconstituted type which most of the time is processed, full of sugar.
  • Grenadine syrup – it is a non alcoholic, non bitter red sugar syrup prepared from concentrated Pomegranate juice. This is what makes Tequila Sunrise red – see video!
  • Maraschino Cherries - available in Dan Murphys stores in Australia! If you can't find them, you could just use the regular glace cherries that are available in your supermarket's baking section; they do not have the stem but they'll do the job.
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