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How to Enhance Your Creativity

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

The fact with regard to understanding is that it is a great competency on individual and organizational people, & using it the people can solve all the problems uniquely. What to some people may be considered as a gift which some people are endowed with creativity can as well be noted that it is an area that one can learn. Thus, creativity requires some guidance to the frontier, the expenditure of some effort, some openness and openness to such risks as are characteristic of the frontier. Here's how you can enhance your creativity:Here is how you can expand your creativity:

1. Embrace Curiosity and Exploration

The desire to know is the root of invention. To me, when one allows himself or herself to be curious, this means that one opens a door for new experiences, thoughts or even perception to take place. You have a desire to know more and question outcomes and selected approaches to look for better solutions. This is how you are going to bring curiosity into your daily practice, which will in turn tighten the screws on your creativity. Go to new places, read articles or books on topics that you never have before, or meet people who are of a different perspective as yourself. The more an individual comes across different ideas and environments, the more the brain has feed material for the appropriate ideas when creating something.

2. Engage in Mindful Observation

Awareness is about being conscious of the environment, the act of watching things in very detail that people do not necessarily focus on. The other way of going through everyday life is observing yourself and your environment more consciously, which in turn helps to find creative approaches. If you're on a park, in a café, or watching a movie, try to look at the things at the micro level – the colors, sounds, touches, and feelings. In the long run, this will train you on how to be keen and notice things that can be used to enhance creativity in your projects.

3. I Beat the System and Bolstered My Brain: Leave Your Comfort Zone

Schedule is death for creativity, as the latter is replaced by the former, which results in more stereotypical ways of dealing with a problem. To enhance creativity it is the high time to abandon the existing practices and opt for new ideas. Repeat – change – try – look for ways to do something in a new way: for example, to get to work; select a different place for hobbies or progress in performing certain tasks in an unconventional way. When you try to get out of the normal rut and break the routine, there is a stimulation of the brain into coming up with better ideas. One has to be flexible in the approach which is one of the fundamentals of creativity and novelty facilitates it.

4. Engage in Creative Cross-Pollination

Cross fertilization is a process of merging two ideas from two different fields or areas of study so as to come up with new ideas. A large portion of the most significant inventions that have ever been made are birthed out of convergence of ideas that barely have any apparent relationship. To increase your creativity, one has to broaden his/her subject-field knowledge and to look for the connection with the topics. For instance, if one is a writer mentioning and studying architecture as a subject might help him/her develop a new technique in story writing such as how to construct a story. If you are a scientist, then perhaps learning about art may alter the way that you see the problem that you are trying to solve. The logic, which is quite obvious, is that the greater the frequency with which turning into creative cross-pollination practice, the greater ideas stock available to you.

5. Cultivate a Growth Mindset

As with the growth mindset, it also implies that there are specific skills – and, in particular, the skill of creativity – that can be improved if an individual will only persevere. Growth mindset can therefore be defined in terms of approach or perception to challenges or to setbacks or even effort in order to get to mastery. The first, and perhaps the simplest, precondition if you would like to improve your creativity – practice the development of a growth-oriented mentality. Do not fritter on the concept that is learning and that of trial and experimental so that you can avoid error if at all possible. Every painting has to be considered as a chance to learn and progress, and not as the proof of one's proficiency. The people that support the growth theory will see past such creative hitches more easily meaning that they will be well-equipped to level up their creativity.

6. Practice Regularly and Deliberately

Similar to any other aspects that are germane to a skill, creativity exercise needs to be undergone frequently in order to transform into a mastery. Choose a part of the day that you can them dedicate to such creative work as writing, drawing, brainstorming and even solving problems. The way to make your creativity better is not happy accidents, but rather intentional practice for certain aspects of creative endeavours. For instance, being a musician, one will spend time practicing on how to come up with new chords or what style of writing lyrics they want to use. If you are a designer, you probably set a goal, for example, to make a design in only one color. Generated practice aids in building up modified creative strength and is very important especially when the mind is prepared for new concept innovations.

7. Create a Creative Environment

They are to some extent a function of your environment and probably the most important factor in creativity. Organization of the workspace, and absence or presence of noise, or any form of motivation, or lack of it, affects creativity. If you want to enhance creativity, spend time on the organization of a personal working environment that you like. Get in contact with items that make one happy and that lead to creativity, this includes artworks, books, plants and anything one can think of. Obviously, one must pay a lot of attention to lighting, colors, and arrangement as these factors essentially influence one's mood and the degree of concentration. The creative place can be defined as a location that is comfortable and inspiring and makes the brain think at its greatest capacity.

8. Collaborate with Others

Cooperation is one of the most effective means for increasing creativity since people from different backgrounds and with different experience can address a problem or a task from various sides. The staffs' collaboration with their colleagues presents an instance where work can be transferred and transpire ideas at a given precinct. To increase your creative thinking, try to involve others, this could be brainstorming session, workshops or other creative related activities. Don't be precious about your ideas: be prepared to listen to others and listen to your own input. Cooperation not only can put you off the comfort zone and show you what is possible.

9. Some free time, and to some extent, vacation.

Nonetheless, creativity, like every other skill, should not be done daily; but then, it should be done quite frequently. The brain as an organ of the body requires rest, for it to work optimally; however hard you may try to devour your mind with ideas they will crop up at the most unexpected time. He removes himself by either going to the bathroom or using a break or even lunch break or even going home for the day as it rest the mind hence solutions to such problems will be better. What you get is your mind is constantly working on it even when you are not consciously trying – and ideas often come in showers, before sleep, or on waking up. It is important to be dynamic and have some time off in what one does because creativity as the definitions provided above point out is something that one has to moderate.

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