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The Role of Ethics in Business

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

More so, due to current frequent change in business environment, ethics have become vital in business more than ever before. Business ethics can be described as rules or standard that displays the acceptable behavior in the world of business. These principles pave the way on how a business can decide on what is right or wrong in their operations in order for it to fit into the society's standard. Ethical practices not only help to build and maintain relationship of trust between a company and its stakeholders but also contribute to short and long term organisational success and viability.

Building Consumer Trust

This is true because the other point of centrality of ethics in business is to ensure that a business organization establishes and maintains viable relationship with buyers. Where consumers are presented with so many choices, those organisations that are willing to adhere to ethical principles usually gain attention. Thus, the loyal customers are those who trust the brand and its honesty, transparency and, in addition, the responsibility of the company. For example, firms that embrace justice in employment, environmental concerns, and supply chain management so much gain the confidence of the consumers. This trust is in return exhibited as repeated patronage, recommendation and increased brand loyalty.

Employee Attraction and Retention

Furthermore, ethics in business has a great contribution in the aspect of employees attraction and retention. In the presence of CSR more and more people expect that they will work at a company that has similar values to their own. It is well noted among organizational academics that institutions that have secured organizational cultures that enhance ethics on the job normally reap big benefits like employee satisfaction, commitment and lower turnover rates. Having a stream of thought that an organization is proceeding in the right manner will ensure that employees take pride in the activities they are undertaking hence improving their output and satisfaction.

Stakeholder Relations

Besides fixing the trust with customers and employees, ethical business practices are helpful in fixing the good relations with investors and other stakeholders. The awareness of ESG factors in investment is on the rise among the investors. Business that adopt sound ethical standards and provide evidence of their commitments towards sustainability are often considered to be lower risk and reliable business that can deliver, long term returns. Consequently, these businesses could claim a better access to capital as well as more appropriate terms of financing.

Legal Compliance

Also, correct ethical policies assist the companies to operate under challenging legal conditions since the rules in operation are always changing. It is a fact that by embracing ethical practices, businesses leaves out such evils as legal cases, and regulatory sanctions that may be real due to unethical actions. For instance, violating the usual trade policies such as misleading advertisement, stock manipulation, or unfair treatment of workers may attract strict penalties, fines, or legal bans, and a company's spoilt reputation. On the other hand, those companies, which work with clear principles of business, have no problems like that, and can continue their work on the development of new projects and services.

Contribution to Society

Ethics also applies to its relevance in contributing to the better society when it comes to business. Management and organizations continue to be asked or expected to contribute to solving social and environmental issues. It is to the advantage of a company that adheres to ethical standards that it can assist in the enhancement of the general welfare of the society through exercising fair trade, protection of the environment and charitable initiatives. Thus, the company provides not only a push to its brand image but also helps in building a fairer and more tolerant society.

Competitive Advantage

In a broader sense, the concept of ethics in business is not only the absence of some terrible outcomes, but also the presence of added value. The one message is that business that integrate ethics in their operations enjoy competitive advantages in terms of innovation and market positioning. For instance, establishments that participate in the funding of innovative environmentally friendly technology or those that use products that are made from fairly traded products may attract a class of customers who are becoming increasingly selective in the products that they purchase. Meaning that through a process of 'ethicizing' practices the company can establish itself as unique in the market place, and hence grab fresh market niches.

Implementation of Ethical Practices

It is, however, relevant to point out here that the ethical practice in business cannot be practiced in a passive manner. It is mandatory that companies prescribe and implement efficient standards of ethics and that they do so thorough corporate disclosure. This entails ensuring employees can distinguish what is right and wrong, creating ways through which employees can report such cases of wrong doings and punishing employees who engage in them. Another factor closely tied to organizational culture is leadership, and its ability to set up and enforce the highest ethical standards within an organisation so that the latter becomes an ethical organisation as well. By always ensuring that ethics are placed even higher than performance, the leaders set a tone that is normally followed in an organization.


Therefore, ethics plays a very critical role in business. Ethical practices are critical input in establishing and sustaining customer relationships, and attracting and maintaining employees, investors and shareholders, for dealing with the law, and for being responsible members of the society. It points to the fact that companies that act ethically in their operations are likely to be successful in the long run and; by so doing are instrumental in transforming the world into a better place. With the ever changing business environment, the businesses that will incorporate ethics as a competitive strategy will be in a better position to create lasting value.

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