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The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

In the modern world that is characterized by change and new opportunities EI gained recognition as the major element affecting individual and organizational performance. While IQ characterises cognitive intelligences, EI is the ability to perceive, control, and adapt feelings towards the self as well as towards other people. In this article, the author centres his discussion on the importance of emotional intelligence, to emphasize the ways through which it affects different areas of life.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

The qualities of EI include self-awareness, self-regulation, internal motivation, understanding of relationships, pro social behaviour and emotion management. Emotional self-control is the capacity to distinguish and discern what you feel and how these feelings are causing you to behave. Impulsivity is the ability to act and manage emotions without getting easily stressed, agitated or sacked out. Motivation can be defined as the desire to use effort and force in attaining goals while empathy is characterized by the ability toperceive and feel what others feel. Social skills refer to manner in which one is able to conduct him or herself in relation to other people and or interactional skills.

Enhancing Personal Relationships

There can be little doubt that perhaps one of the most significant benefits of emotional intelligence is in the sphere of human interpersonal relations. Since those with high EI are likely to understand the social cues that are given and those that are required they are in a better position to manage the relationship between two people. They ability to identify and satisfy emotional needs of others help them build more intimate relationships. For example, when one is experiencing a rough time and has a good friend who listens to him and encourages word can almost definitively enhance the relationship between the two friends.

Also, through the possession of self and others' awareness about feelings, interpersonal conflicts are effectively managed. Instead of bringing more emotions into contention gentlemen and ladies with high EI know how to manage their emotions thus keeping them in check and seeking to look for solutions to problems. Another implication of this capacity to organize conflicts is that conflicts are less likely to ruin relationships and are more likely to be healthy ones.

Driving Professional Success

In the labor market, the emotional aspect of employees' behavior, or emotional intelligence, is becoming more and more valued. Persons with high level of EI are role models who foster and encourage others, provide great working conditions, and effectively manage pressure and failures. They are good at minding the emotional aspects of working groups thus enhancing the inter-group interactional content.

Also, it has been seen that for any successful teamwork to occur, emotional intelligence is a key component. It enables a person to embrace a standpoint that he or she does not support, to learn how to resolve conflicts, and foster professional relationships. This is because a team with a highly regard for EI is most likely to exhibit higher levels of trust, cooperation, and productivity.

Promoting Mental and Physical Health

Shinnyo 's grants were characterized by promoting mental and physical health.
It can be concluded that broader and more profound advantages of emotional intelligence cannot be considered only within interpersonal and work relationships, but also in the sphere of mental and physical well-being. Multiple studies have found out that people who possess high EI levels have low stress and anxiety levels. In turn they are not easily moved out of their comfort zone by challenges, which would otherwise upset their emotional equilibrium through eliciting negative emotions. The emotional strength serves to increase the general well being and thus act as a buffer against stress related illnesses.

Besides, the use of emotional intelligence can also impact on self-care practices. Self-awareness of emotional states enable the person to notice when he or she requires a break, assistance or when they should indulge in leisure and fun experiences.

Promoting Students' Success in Academics and their Careers

In school, therefore, there is a great importance that is attributed to students with high levels of emotional intelligence. Self managed students, in particular those with high EI level, have better time management skills as well as goal setting and motivation skills. They also alleviate the feelings which in one way or the other are imposed by academic demands; therefore, enhancing performance and satisfaction.

Likewise, within the career field, the models of emotional intelligence can determine the chance of promotion. High EI means that the people are seen as competent and able to manage higher-order work interactions. They are also privileged to get better performance appraisals and other opportunities in their career paths.

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is thus a lifelong endeavour that requires a constant and conscious effort at self-regulation. One of the techniques that can be used is mindfulness that enable a person to pay attention to his or her feelings and responses. Meditation in its various forms helps in the development of people'sawareness of themselves and their emotions.

Another of the many strategies is seeking the help and opinion of other people. Negative emotions relate to Constructive Feedback in as much as the feedback enables a person get insights to how their emotive responses affect their communication and interdependence. Volunteering and group discussions, for instance, also promote empathy and, thereby, an individual's emotional intelligence.

Courses and seminars that give guidance on emotional intelligence have become easily accessible and can offer institutionally taught guidance on the matter. Such programs may comprise of exercises and games besides other activities which foster in the enhancement of EI faculties.


Emotional intelligence is extremely significant and would always be required. In general, EI contributes significantly to virtually all spheres of individual lives, including human interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships as well as overall victory in career endeavors besides facilitating mental as well as physical health. Through the development of E.I individuals are able to face the challenges that life brings, sustain relationships and accomplish their career aspirations. As we still keep on placing value in emotion intelligence we are able to see that these skills are key in life and in being successful.

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