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A Guide To Preventing And Curing Bad Breath

Photo by cottonbroa from Pexels
Being around other people and having bad breath can be embarrassing. Sadly, many people with terrible breath aren't even aware of it. Even those with neutral breath think they have bad breath. When it comes to smelling your breath and judging its odor, it's not easy to do. This is why it's so important to get a second opinion from someone you trust, who is honest and nonjudgmental, and will tell you straight up if you have bad breath.

So, what exactly causes bad breath?

The cause of bad breath is typically bacteria in the mouth. In most cases, poor dental hygiene contributes to bad breath. When you eat, your teeth get clogged up with food, and these bits of food grow bacteria that produce sulfur compounds that stink.
Brushing and flossing frequently are essential for maintaining a healthy mouth because bacteria continue to grow in your mouth, building up a thin film called plaque on your teeth. When plaque isn't brushed away at least twice a day, it produces a foul odor and leads to another smelly process known as tooth decay.

How can bad breath be eliminated?

Depending on the severity of your bad breath, there are several ways to treat it.

Maintaining good oral health

Researchers have found that bad breath is most often caused by poor dental hygiene. Keeping teeth healthy means brushing them twice a day for two minutes, using fluoride toothpaste (morning and night). Preventing plaque buildup is essential for maintaining a healthy mouth. Some believe brushing after every meal is necessary to prevent decay and bad breath.

The tongue can also accumulate bacteria, causing it to smell foul. This thin layer of film can be removed by tongue scraping. What is tongue scraping, you might ask? Tongue scraping is when you brush or scrape your tongue with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper. This can also be done two times a day.

Stay hydrated

The causes of bad breath are often connected to mouth dryness. Sleeping naturally dries out your mouth, which is why morning breath is usually worse. A daily intake of eight glasses of water is recommended in order to stay hydrated. When your mouth feels dry, drink plenty of water (don't drink juice or soda since these can dry your mouth out even more).
In addition to keeping your mouth clean, saliva inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. The saliva in your mouth is essential for keeping it clean as bacteria thrive without it.

Bad breath can also be naturally treated by gargling salt water. For every 8 ounces of warm water, add half a teaspoon of salt. Give the mixture a swig and spit it out after 30 seconds. As needed, repeat the process.

Using apple cider vinegar

Does your breath smell of onions or garlic? The best way to eliminate breath odors is by mixing apple cider vinegar with water and swishing it around the mouth. Make sure you gargle for 30 seconds before spitting it out.

Milk and yogurt

Believe it or not, bad breath can also be treated with milk and yogurt. According to some sources, drinking milk after eating garlic improves "garlicky" breath significantly. One serving of plain, nonfat yogurt daily will help you fight bad breath.

As soon as you finish a meal containing strong-smelling foods like garlic or onions, drink a glass of milk. Lactobacillus, a healthy bacteria found in yogurt, can also support the body, like your gut.

Maintain a healthy diet by eating fruits and vegetables

How can fruits and vegetables freshen your breath? Using apple, celery, and carrots as brushes, your teeth can be cleaned naturally. Several studies have indicated that raw apples can help combat garlic breath. Garlic's foul-smelling compounds are neutralized by some natural compounds in apples. In addition to deodorizing the mouth, it balances the compounds in the bloodstream, which is especially beneficial for people with persistent garlic breath.

Vitamin C in oranges promotes good dental hygiene by increasing saliva production. In the absence of saliva, foul-smelling bacteria cannot be washed away, which is why many people suffer from bad breath. Oranges are among the fruits rich in vitamin C. Oranges make a healthy dessert and promote good dental hygiene simultaneously.


It is possible to counteract bad breath with zinc salts, commonly found in mouthwashes and chewing gum. Zinc-containing solutions can be effective for at least 6 months in reducing bad breath when rinsed regularly. Try a zinc chewing gum designed for people with dry mouths. Alternatively, dietary zinc supplements can be bought online or at local drug stores.

You can chew gum

Gum helps clean your mouth of nasty bacteria and leftover food particles by stimulating saliva production.

How to know when to consult a doctor

Improved dental hygiene can treat most cases of bad breath originating in the mouth. Nevertheless, some cases of bad breath are signs of more severe health conditions, such as diabetes ketoacidosis, kidney failure, or infections. Consult your dentist or doctor if you don't see improvement in your bad breath with home treatment.
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