Green Home Time

What is a Process Goal and How Does it Help Us to Achieve Success?

Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels
Get set to move. This was my three-step approach to goal-setting for many years. I would grasp for the moon and pray that I wouldn't experience the anguish of falling and instead land among the stars. This method was all or nothing, and as a consequence, I was really burnt out and hardly productive. In other words, my job list was full of high-level goals, but I hadn't spent the effort to plan a route to get there. Because I didn't comprehend the objectives of the process or had any examples to refer to, I became lost throughout the planning phases.

Since then, I've discovered how to enjoy the process and divide my result objectives into more achievable process goals. This tactic has sharpened my concentration and lessened my irritation since I'm now striving to develop a surefire plan of action with attainable daily goals that will bring me where I want to go (a process goal).

A Process Goal: What Is It?

A process objective is the route you want to take in order to reach a goal; it is not the goal itself. If you want to improve your writing, for instance, your process objective may be to publish one blog post each week and take notes on the comments you get. The target is a 12-article monthly target.

It's easy to forget that these kinds of objectives are not all or nothing, so making this difference is crucial. Consider this. It's not about working hard, but working smart, as you may have heard.

A process goal, therefore, is an achievable objective with what we refer to as SMART criteria:
1. Specific - The more specific your aim, the better. For instance, you might say "I want to shed five pounds," rather than "I want to be fit." Make sure your objective is really clear.
2. Measurable: Since you need a mechanism to gauge your performance and growth, it must be possible to quantify. Here, you get to choose what "fit" really means for you (more on this later).
3. Reachable - A goal that isn't demanding won't inspire motivation. On the other hand, if you want significant results, there must be a higher mountain to climb.
4. Realistic: For the majority of individuals, saying "I want to run a marathon" is not feasible. Ascertain that you have the time, effort, and resources (such as a training program) necessary to accomplish your objective.
5. Time-Bound - Without a set deadline, your objective is only a pipe dream. While having dreams is perfectly normal, what happens when they come to an end?

In conclusion, these are the key elements of every process goal: they must be precise, quantifiable, doable within a certain time range, and realistic.

A Destination Goal is What?

A destination objective is the time frame at which you want to arrive at a certain location. For instance, if your objective is to represent your nation in the 2025 Summer Olympics, you need concentrate on smaller goals in order to succeed. You need to concentrate on smaller destinations along the path to that objective. Make the national team first. Next, take part in a couple events, and so on.

It would be extremely difficult to attempt to reach the Olympics from the beginning without any intermediate goals. On the other hand, if you treat each milestone as a final destination, everything will look doable and attainable.

Template for Process Goals

Say you want to learn how to cook better. Here is an example of how to express the process goal: "By preparing all of my meals at home for 12 weeks, I will save $100 every week." Your monthly aim would be this, and the weekly actions necessary to get there would be:

1. I schedule my weekly food planning for 1 hour on Sunday.
2. Monday and Tuesday evenings after work are ideal for grocery shopping.
3. Cook every meal from Wednesday through Sunday at home.
4. I bring a lunch to work every Monday and Tuesday.
5. Make your own meals at home to save $100 every week.

By teaching you how to save money via preparation, buying, cooking, packing your own lunch, and experimenting with new recipes, this process objective will assist you in becoming a better chef. Additionally, it has a weekly incentive (saving $100 in cash) that will keep you inspired.

Reaching your ultimate objectives is encouraged by process goals. You develop sustainability and the courage to proceed when you believe you can achieve minor objectives along the road.

Process objectives resemble religion in many ways. Each success removes the mist and makes things more apparent, bringing you closer to experiencing the richness of the life you seek.

What Questions Led Me to Discover My Process Objectives?

I made the decision to reevaluate my strategy after many years of setting ambitious objectives and becoming disappointed when I didn't achieve them.

There are a variety of ways you might go about doing this, but here is how I did it. I questioned myself the following last year:

1. What am I doing at this moment?
2. How can I do this better?
3. Does this process goal help me get closer to my long-term objectives?

My process objectives were the decisions I made based on the responses to these questions. When I wanted to give up and throw in the towel, they were the inspiration that kept me motivated and pushing on. Since then, I've been able to realize long-term objectives that I had long since given up on. For instance, I was able to get a publishing deal, produce more digital goods for my company, and have pleasure in the present.

Prior to dividing my objectives into smaller ones, I had trouble even getting out of bed. The idea of my never-ending list inhibited me from moving. I now look forward to waking up every morning and focusing on modest efforts to achieve successful results.

What Are Some Possible Process Goals?

Now that you are aware of how crucial process objectives are, let's start by giving you some examples that you may use this week:

1. Enroll in a new course.
2. By Thursday, finish one section of your project.
3. Instead of sprinting a mile, begin with strolling around the block.
4. Spend 30 minutes a day journaling to enhance your writing.
5. Develop your interviewing abilities.
6. This week, read at least one book from the library.
7. Before you go for work each day, do 10 pushups.

You see what I mean. These process objectives don't need to be difficult. In fact, you want to make your goals so simple that you don't feel like you need a week off to complete them. You may do far more in a shorter amount of time by dividing your objectives down into smaller chunks. Additionally, you'll have greater faith in your ability to handle the situation at hand.

If success seems too far away, it might be difficult to go on. You must appreciate the little things and welcome the process.

What is Required to Achieve Process Goals?

Consider the time and money you've invested in new gadgets, books, clothing, etc. Many of us desire to stay current with fashion and buy the greatest Apple or Microsoft devices. But the cost of all of these additional expenditures is high.

You may need to boldly address some challenging emotions or experiences in order to discover your process objectives. To achieve your ultimate goals, you may have to give up your new dress or MacBook. [1] Keep in mind that process objectives prevent you from being sidetracked as well as from feeling overwhelmed.


When attempting to create a process objective, you can first feel overpowered. Stress hormones may sometimes be released merely by contemplating change, which only serves to increase anxieties and anxiousness. The truth is that goals don't have to be difficult if you maintain your focus and take baby steps in the correct way.

You may start today by breaking down your bigger objective into smaller phases so that you can start achieving your process goals one day at a time. The most important thing is that you're going ahead and improving yourself, whether the process takes a week or six months.

Go ahead and complete one of your process objectives right now!
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